Bioinformatics Connect

Image - Bioinformatics Connect
Event date: 
Wednesday, 24 October 2018 - 8:30am to 2:00pm
John B Reid Theatre, AGSM, UNSW Kensington

Date: Wednesday 24 October 2018, 8:30am – 2.00pm

Where: John B Reid Theatre, AGSM

We are excited to announce UNSW Bioinformatics Connect, a half-day event aimed at increasing awareness of the many activities currently being undertaken by UNSW researchers and clinicians that are either bioinformatics-based or have a bioinformatics focus. This event is targeted toward all UNSW-affiliated researchers/clinicians working on projects that involve molecular biology and computing who are keen to expand their collaborative networks. UNSW Bioinformatics Connect will provide participants with the opportunity of sharing their areas of expertise and interests to facilitate future cross-faculty/campus/institution collaboration. It is an event designed to benefit both those who have bioinformatics expertise - and those in need of bioinformatics expertise.

Abstract submission

All registered participants will be invited to submit an abstract that summarises their own training, expertise and/or current research activities (rather than the details/results of a current research project). Registrants will be able to post an optional “expertise request”, a brief entry outlining any area of bioinformatics-based expertise they are keen to source for exiting or future projects. Abstracts and expertise requests will be visible to all registrants following submission, prior to our Connect event.

Oral presentations

Based on their submitted abstract, participants may be invited to present their expertise/activities in the form of a short (5 minute) or long (15 minute) talk.

Matchmaking event

Our Bioinformatics Connect event will include an additional opt-in networking opportunity. Prior to the event, registrants will be given the opportunity to flag (online) which other registrants they would be keen to connect with on the day of the event based on the submitted abstracts and/or expertise requests.

Registrants will be notified via email of any “requests for connection” in the week before the event. If interested in pursuing a request for connection, each participant will have the option of emailing the requester directly to arrange a time to meet during the event matchmaking session. There will also be “matchmaker helpers” available on the day to facilitate connections. 

Registration and abstract submission is now open HERE

Registration is free but necessary for catering purposes.

Abstract submission deadline: Sunday, 7 October 2018

Event overview

08:30   Tea/Coffee

08:50   Welcome

09:00-10:15    Oral presentations

10:15   Morning tea

10:45-12:00    Oral presentations

12:00   Closing

12:30-14:00    Lunch and research matchmaking

Full program will be available here two weeks before the event.

Organising Committee Members

  • Fatemeh Vafaee, Lead organiser (School of BABS)
  • Chun Tung Chou, Bruno Gaeta (School of CSE, Engineering)
  • Emily Oates, Richard Edwards, Mark Tanaka (School of BABS, Science)
  • Fabio Luciani (Kirby Institute, Medicine)

This event is supported by: School of Biotechnology and Biomolecular Sciences (BABS) and School of Computer Science and Engineering (CSE)

Any questions? Contact:

Open to: 
researchers and clinicians
Number of seats available: 
Event Type: 
Contact for bookings:
Contact for inquiries:
Booking deadline: