When a T cell in our immune system gets the right signal it leaps into action within seconds - taking on one of many different roles in fighting the infection.

Jérémie Rossy and his group are using single molecule imaging to examine how messages received at the cell surface are transmitted via the membrane and specialised compartments within the cell, such as endosomes.

“So far, the involvement of endosomes in transmitting messages within the cell has been overlooked by scientists,” says Jérémie.

He believes there’s no better way to understand how a cell responds to these messages than to be able to visualise the cell changing, and seeing where and when these changes take place.



About Jérémie Rossy  

After completing a master’s degree in Biochemistry at the University of Geneva, he focused his research on understanding immune cell signalling. During his PhD at the University of Bern, Jérémie used florescence microscopy to demonstrate that specialised domains are established and maintained in the plasma membrane of leukocytes, and that they control polarisation and migration of these cells. He moved to the University of New South Wales in 2009 to develop cutting-edge super-resolution microscopy techniques in order to gain novel insights into early stages of T lymphocyte activation.

Jérémie is now at the University of Konstanz, Germany

image - Jérémie Rossy
Jérémie Rossy    
Group Leader - Endosomal Networks in Immunology